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发布日期:2025-01-04 15:43 点击次数:84
【浦东永泰三里城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):打造交通便捷新名片!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』金色中环浦东三林11号线三林站约500米「永泰三里城」二期6月7号认购认购公示也出来认筹金额100万资金证明首套50万,二套100万项目二期主推320套房源建面约99-151㎡高层建面约140-177-201-241㎡洋房/叠加5批次已过会均价仅8.2万/㎡装标全新升级,诚意满满已经开放样板间!扫码小编,找我看房,团购省钱!【浦东永泰三里城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):打造交通便捷新名片!认购时间:2024年6月7日9时-6月11日12时;一房一价表如下:【浦东永泰三里城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):打造交通便捷新名片!要说浦东最热门的置业价格段,非700万级莫属!然而,自从唐镇红盘告罄之后,【浦东永泰三里城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):打造交通便捷新名片!浦东700万级新盘似乎也偃旗息鼓了。好消息是:浦东中外环,一站直达前滩,永泰三里城,五批次已经过会了,预计本月底开始认购,百平三房主力总价仅约700万级!效果图,仅供参考在浦东中外环间,700万级上车地铁房,这次堪称机遇的置业机会,意味什么呢?首先从供应来看,浦东环线以内的置业机会,一直都是非常臻稀的!尤其是最近几年,外环外的川沙、唐镇、【浦东永泰三里城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):打造交通便捷新名片!周浦以及康桥等区域,扛起了浦东的供应主力。这一市场现状,让很多认定浦东环线内地段占位的朋友深感遗憾。然后从价格来看,随着陆家嘴等内环区域的发展逐渐饱和,以及金色中环带的发展势能整体提升,浦东环线内的价格门槛一涨再涨。【浦东永泰三里城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):打造交通便捷新名片!尤其是在唐镇等外环外区域价格也步入7W+之后,浦东部分外环区域价格已经站稳9W+,甚至突破10W!未来还想以700万级总价置业浦东环线内,或许再无机会。【浦东永泰三里城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):打造交通便捷新名片!示意图,仅供参考正三林板块,区域内生活配套成熟无需等待【浦东永泰三里城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):打造交通便捷新名片!,交通便捷直线距离中环仅约1公里,地铁1站直达前滩!更重要的是,项目百平三房主力总价仅约700万级,这在整个浦东乃至全上海中外环都是非常难得的存在!【浦东永泰三里城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):打造交通便捷新名片!扫码小编,找我看房,团购省钱!浦东11号线三林站直线距离约500米,一站即达前滩!【国际前滩】一站即达 城市主中心前滩多维度顶格配置,打造浦东高阶生活所向坐拥前滩中心、太古里、三轨TOD(6、8、11号线)、东方体育中心等顶尖配套漫步、骑行,滨江漫步道一览黄浦江两岸盛景【浦东永泰三里城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):打造交通便捷新名片!项目距11号线350米,一站即达世界滨水区的“主中心”三林轨交盘「永泰三里城」过会价8.2万/㎡!首开292套主力建面约100-201㎡的3-4房户型,预计2026年8月交房。项目售楼处&样板间已开放!【浦东永泰三里城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):打造交通便捷新名片!一期的一房一价表如下:项目拟建1栋16层高层住宅、6栋17层高层住宅、2栋19层高层住宅以及6栋6层多层住宅,项目包含一些配套设施【浦东永泰三里城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):打造交通便捷新名片!,建筑高度为60米,预计推出建面约99-240㎡3-5房。项目效果图:最快有望明年2月份入市!高层户型:【浦东永泰三里城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):打造交通便捷新名片!首开洋房户型图:首开底复(叠墅)户型图:样板间实景首发:超30万方河滨大城,仁恒物业+恒温泳池+健身会所,品质感拉满!永泰三里城是超30万方河滨大城,将打造成三林的新地标。项目容积率仅2.0【浦东永泰三里城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):打造交通便捷新名片!,是上海中外环相当臻稀的双面滨河、低密社区,规划有16-19层高层,6层电梯洋房。住进永泰三里城社区中,能以更低的生活成本,享受到更高的居住舒适度。首先社区天赋方面,【浦东永泰三里城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):打造交通便捷新名片!项目双面环水,北侧、东侧皆是天然河道,整体的居住环境静谧。光这个地块天赋,在市场上就鲜有对手。鸟瞰图,仅供参考其次,项目南侧临近永泰路的地方,打造了2栋社区配套建筑,将用作社区食堂、恒温泳池、健身房等,服务于社区的同时有效阻隔道路噪音。【浦东永泰三里城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):打造交通便捷新名片!效果图,仅供参考再次,项目首层大堂与电梯轿厢品质感拉满。首层入户大堂,石材搭配金属装饰条的地面、【浦东永泰三里城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):打造交通便捷新名片!墙面,空间宽敞气派,质感十足。效果图,仅供参考据了解,项目联袂仁恒物业,为业主们带来高品质物业服务。仁恒的物业服务水准业内外的认可度都非常高,【浦东永泰三里城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):打造交通便捷新名片!荣膺中国金钥匙6S管理创新奖、中国物业管理综合实力百强等诸多殊荣。效果图,仅供参考所以,整个社区从地块天赋、颜值,到自带恒温泳池,再到低密宜居的居住条件,都算的上尤为出众。高层/洋房/叠加,产品线丰富!永泰三里城二期主推320套房源,【浦东永泰三里城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):打造交通便捷新名片!建面约99-151㎡高层,建面约140-241㎡洋房/叠加。①项目改善型产品丰富,选择面大。整个社区并没有小户型,整体的圈层高度统一,为业主营造了非常优秀的改善居住环境。且项目高层层高约3米,洋房层高约3.1米。更高的层高意味着更宽阔的居住空间,也意味着投入更多的建筑成本,这背后是开发商不惜代价为业主一步到位的考量。【浦东永泰三里城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):打造交通便捷新名片!事实上,项目建筑层高比市面常规户型高足足约10-20公分,即使装完中央空调和地暖也不显压抑。②非封闭阳台设计,一定程度上降低了客户的购房成本。现在很多新盘都采取封阳台策略,整个阳台的面积都是购房者花真金白银买的。一般来讲都是建筑面积约8㎡,【浦东永泰三里城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):打造交通便捷新名片!如果不封阳台,那面积只算一半,相当于给买家足足省了约4×8.2≈32.8万元。③绿建三星标准+诚意装标!项目国家绿建三星标准+超低能耗建筑,是国内绿色建筑高标准,健康主导之上,起到降噪、少尘等的防护效果,细节考究品质有保障!项目装修标准也是诚意满满,中央空调、地暖、新风系统“三大件”配齐,厨房、卫浴也有不少细节交付标准。总的来说,永泰三里城咫尺前滩+新杨思,【浦东永泰三里城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):打造交通便捷新名片!在区位优势如此明显的情况下,交出了诚意十足的产品,无需迟疑,买就对了!周边配套轨交方面:项目距地铁11号线三林站直线距离约500米。自驾方面:周边临近中环路、外环高速、【浦东永泰三里城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):打造交通便捷新名片!南北高架等多条主干道,日常出行便捷。商业方面:中房金谊广场,新达汇商业综合体,可完全满足日常生活所需。项目西侧毗邻前滩、三林滨江区域,【浦东永泰三里城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):打造交通便捷新名片!可共享这2个重磅规划板块的高能级配套。教育方面:周边有三林小学、清源小学、上海育人中学、三林中学东校等。(教育免责:政府不对预售房屋进行学区划分,【浦东永泰三里城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):打造交通便捷新名片!项目对口学校最终以交房后教育主管部门公布为准)房价方面,距离地块最近的新房项目是招商在三林新拿的地块,【浦东永泰三里城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):打造交通便捷新名片!联动价70000元/㎡;周边次新二手房挂牌均价8w+[Pudong Yongtai Sanli City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developer 24-hour hotline) : Create a new business card with convenient transportation! "Friendly tips: The model room takes an appointment system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit" Golden Central Pudong SanlinLine 11 Sanlin Station is about 500 meters"Yongtai Sanli City" Phase II subscription on June 7The subscription notice is also availableThe subscription amount is 1 millionProof of funds first set 500,000, second set 1 millionThe second phase of the project will mainly promote 320 sets of housingThe building surface is about 99-151 square meters highThe building surface is about 140-177-201-241㎡ bungalows/superpositionThe average price of 5 batches is only 82,000 /㎡Brand new upgrade, full of sincerityThe model room has been opened!Scan the code Xiaobian, looking for me to see the house, group purchase to save money! [Pudong Yongtai Sanli City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developer 24-hour hotline) : Create a new business card with convenient transportation!Subscription period: 09:00, June 7, 2024-12:00, June 11, 2024;One room one price table is as follows: 【 Pudong Yongtai Sanli City 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Create a convenient transportation new business card!To say that Pudong's most popular real estate price segment, is not 7 million!However, since the Tang town red plate is sold out, [Pudong Yongtai Sanli City] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Create a new business card with convenient transportation! Pudong 7 million new disk seems to have died down.The good news is: Pudong foreign ring, a station direct to the front beach, Yongtai Sanli City, five batches have passed the meeting, is expected to start subscription at the end of this month, the total price of Baiping three houses is only about 7 million!Renderings, for reference onlyIn Pudong, between the Chinese and foreign ring, 7 million subway rooms, this is an opportunity to buy real estate, what does it mean?First of all, from the perspective of supply, the real estate opportunities within the Pudong Ring Road have always been very rare!Especially in recent years, outside the outer ring Chuansha, Tang Town, [Pudong Yongtai Sanli City] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : to create a convenient traffic new business card! Zhoupu and Kangqiao and other areas, carrying the main supply of Pudong.This market situation has made many friends who have identified the mainland section of the Pudong Ring Line deeply regret.Then from the price point of view, with the development of Lujiazui and other inner ring areas gradually saturated, as well as the overall development potential of the golden ring belt, the price threshold within the Pudong Ring line rises again and again. [Pudong Yongtai Sanli City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developer 24-hour hotline) : Create a new business card with convenient transportation!Especially after the price of outer ring areas such as Tangzhen has also entered 7W+, the price of some outer ring areas in Pudong has stood firm at 9W+, and even broken through 10W!In the future, I still want to buy a home in Pudong Circle Line with a total price of 7 million, and there may be no chance. [Pudong Yongtai Sanli City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developer 24-hour hotline) : Create a new business card with convenient transportation!Schematic diagram, for reference onlyZhengsanlin plate, there is no need to wait for mature living facilities in the region. [Pudong Yongtai Sanli City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Create a new business card with convenient transportation! Convenient transportation is only about 1 km from Central, and the subway station is directly to Qiantan!More importantly, the total price of the main three rooms of the project is only about 7 million, which is a very rare existence in the whole Pudong and even the whole Shanghai foreign ring! [Pudong Yongtai Sanli City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developer 24-hour hotline) : Create a new business card with convenient transportation!Scan the code Xiaobian, looking for me to see the house, group purchase to save money!Pudong Line 11 Sanlin Station linear distance of about 500 meters, one stop to Qiantan![International Foreshore] The main center of the city is one stop awayThe multi-dimensional roof configuration of the foreshore creates the direction of Pudong's high-level lifeIt has Qiantan Center, Taikoo Li, three rail TOD (Line 6, 8, 11), Oriental Sports Center and other top supporting facilitiesWalk, ride, riverside walk at a glance on both sides of the Huangpu River [Pudong Yongtai Sanli City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : to create a convenient traffic new business card!350 metres from Line 11, one stop to the "main centre" of the world waterfrontSanlin rail offer "Yongtai Sanli City" meeting price 82,000 /㎡! The first 292 sets of 3-4 rooms with a main construction surface of about 100-201 square meters are expected to be delivered in August 2026. Project Sales Office & Model room is open![Pudong Yongtai Sanli City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developer 24-hour hotline) : Create a new business card with convenient transportation!The price of one room for Phase I is as follows:The project plans to build 1 16-storey high-rise residential, 6 17-storey high-rise residential, 2 19-storey high-rise residential and 6 6-storey multi-storey residential, the project contains some supporting facilities [Pudong Yongtai Sanli City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developer 24-hour hotline) : to create a convenient transportation new business card! The building height is 60 meters, and it is expected to launch 3-5 rooms with a building surface of about 99-240㎡.Project renderings:It is expected to enter the market in February next year at the earliest!High-rise apartment: 【 Pudong Yongtai Sanli City 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Create a convenient transportation new business card!First bungalow layout:First open bottom complex (Villa) apartment type map:Model room real scene debut:More than 300,000 square square riverside city,Yanlord Property + heated swimming pool + Fitness club, full of quality!Yongtai Sanli City is a riverside city of more than 300,000 square meters, which will become a new landmark of Sanlin.Project plot ratio only 2.0 [Pudong Yongtai Sanli City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developer 24-hour hotline) : Create a new business card with convenient transportation! It is a double-sided riverside, low-density community in Shanghai's foreign and Chinese rings, with 16-19 floors and 6 floors of elevator bungalows planned.Living in Yongtai Sanli City community, you can enjoy a higher living comfort with a lower cost of living.First of all, in terms of community talent, [Pudong Yongtai Sanli City] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developer 24-hour hotline) : Create a new business card with convenient transportation! The two sides of the project are surrounded by water, the north side and the east side are natural rivers, and the overall living environment is quiet.The talent of this plot alone, there are few rivals in the market.Aerial view, for reference onlySecondly, on the south side of the project near Yongtai Road, two community supporting buildings have been built, which will be used as community cafeterias, heated swimming pools, gyms, etc., to serve the community and effectively block road noise. [Pudong Yongtai Sanli City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developer 24-hour hotline) : Create a new business card with convenient transportation!Renderings, for reference onlyThirdly, the lobby and elevator car on the first floor of the project are full of quality.The first floor entrance lobby, stone with metal decorative strip on the ground, [Pudong Yongtai Sanli City] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Create a new business card with convenient transportation! Wall, spacious style, full of texture.Renderings, for reference onlyIt is understood that the project works with Yanlord Property to bring high-quality property services to the owners.Yanlord's property service standard is highly recognized both inside and outside the industry, [Pudong Yongtai Sanli City] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developer 24-hour hotline) : Create a new business card with convenient transportation! Won the China Golden Key 6S Management Innovation Award, China Property Management comprehensive strength of the top 100 and many other awards.Renderings, for reference onlyTherefore, the whole community from the land talent, appearance level, to its own heated swimming pool, and low density livable living conditions, are particularly outstanding.High-rise/Bungalows/superposition, rich product line!Yongtai Sanli City Phase II mainly promote 320 sets of housing, 【 Pudong Yongtai Sanli City 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developer 24-hour hotline) : Create a new business card with convenient transportation! The building surface is about 99-151㎡ high-rise, the building surface is about 140-241㎡ bungalows/superposition.① Project improvement products are abundant and the choice is large.There are no small units in the entire community, and the overall circle is highly unified, creating a very good living environment for the owners.And the high-rise height of the project is about 3 meters, and the height of the bungalows is about 3.1 meters.Higher height means a wider living space, but also means more investment in construction costs, which is behind the developer at the cost of the owner in one step to the consideration. [Pudong Yongtai Sanli City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developer 24-hour hotline) : Create a new business card with convenient transportation!In fact, the height of the project building is about 10-20 cm higher than that of the conventional market, and even if the central air conditioning and floor heating are installed, they are not depressed.② The non-closed balcony design reduces the purchase cost of customers to a certain extent.Now many new plates are closed balcony strategy, the entire balcony area is the buyer spent real money to buy.Generally speaking, the construction area is about 8 square meters, [Pudong Yongtai Sanli City] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : to create a convenient transportation new business card! If the balcony is not sealed, the area is only half, which is equivalent to saving the buyer about 4×8.2≈ 328,000 yuan.③ Green build Samsung standard + sincerity labeling!The project is a national green building Samsung standard + ultra-low energy consumption building, which is a high standard of domestic green building, dominated by health, and has the protective effect of noise reduction and less dust, and the details are exquisite and the quality is guaranteed!The project decoration standard is also full of sincerity, central air conditioning, floor heating, fresh air system "three major", kitchen, bathroom also has many details delivery standards.In general, Yongtai Sanli City near the front beach + New Yangsi, [Pudong Yongtai Sanli City] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developer 24-hour hotline) : Create a new business card with convenient transportation! In the case of such obvious location advantages, handed over a sincere product, without hesitation, buy it!Peripheral supportRailway interchange: The project is about 500 meters away from Sanlin Station of Metro Line 11.Self-driving: The surrounding Ring road, the outer Ring Road highway, [Pudong Yongtai Sanli City] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : to create a convenient traffic new business card! A number of main roads such as the north-south elevated road, convenient daily travel.Business: Zhongfang Jinyi Square, Xindahui commercial complex, can fully meet the needs of daily life. The west side of the project is adjacent to the front beach and Sanlin Binjiang area, [Pudong Yongtai Sanli City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developer 24-hour hotline) : Create a new business card with convenient transportation! Share the high energy package of these two heavy planning blocks.Education: There are Sanlin Primary School, Qingyuan Primary School, Shanghai Yuren Middle School, Sanlin Middle School East School, etc. (Education exemption: the government does not divide pre-sale houses into school districts, [Pudong Yongtai Sanli City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Create a new business card with convenient transportation! The final announcement of the project counterpart school shall be subject to the announcement of the education authority after the delivery of the room)In terms of housing prices, the nearest new house project from the plot is the newly acquired land in Sanlin, [Pudong Yongtai Sanli City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Create a new business card with convenient transportation! Linkage price 70000 yuan /㎡; The average price of the surrounding new second-hand houses is 8w+[Pudong Yongtai Sanli City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developer 24-hour hotline) : Create a new business card with convenient transportation!【浦东永泰三里城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):打造交通便捷新名片!